How to get from Belgrade to Kopaonik?
There are a few different ways to get from Belgrade to Kopaonik Ski Resort, located in the Kopaonik mountain range in Serbia.
Belgrade to Kopaonik by car
The most convenient way to get to Kopaonik Ski Resort from Belgrade is by car. The drive takes around 3 and a half hours, and three well-maintained roads lead to the resort from each side of the mountain.
Belgrade to Kopaonik by bus
Several bus companies operate regular bus services between Belgrade and Kopaonik Ski Resort. The journey takes around 5 hours, and buses run daily.
Belgrade to Kopaonik by train
There are also train services that run between Belgrade and the nearby town of Raška, located about 40km from Kopaonik Ski Resort. From Raška, you can take a bus or taxi to the resort. The train journey takes around 6 hours.
Belgrade to Kopaonik by taxi (private car transfer)
You may also consider booking a private transfer (long-distance taxi) as the best option. That way, you will have a direct and stress-free journey.
We recommend you these private transfer companies:
Taxi Online Belgrade
It is recommended to check prices with each transport provider before making your travel plans, as they may vary depending on the season.