How to get from Belgrade Zlatibor?
Belgrade to Zlatibor – all transportation options
If you require transportation from Belgrade or “Nikola Tesla” Airport to Zlatibor you have the following options available:
- Train
- Bus
- Rent a car
- Taxi from the Belgrade Airport
But if you wish for the most convenient option for a private car transfer to Zlatibor, you should check the following companies:
IMPORTANT: We recommend the above-mentioned services specialized in airport transfers.
That is because:
- You’ll know the price before the ride
- You can book in advance
- A designated driver will wait for you with the name inscription
- WIFI and bottled water in the car can be convenient
- You can choose the vehicle
- This is a HQ service, much better than taxi or Uber-like apps
- They have a lot of positive client reviews on our website and also TripAdvosor and GMB.
Check their websites and compare the prices.
Places of interest that you can visit on the way from Belgrade to Zlatibor
One of the advantages of going to Zlatibor by car (private transfer, rent a car, or taxi) is that you can visit the following attractions on the way from Belgrade:
- Ovčar – Kablar Gorge and Lake Medjuvrsje
- Kablar Mountain Viewpoint
- Town of Čačak
- Uzice Fortress
- Potpece Cave